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Peru announces that it will require a visa for Mexican citizens

Peru’s response is an application of the Principle of Reciprocity between the two countries.

Palacio del Gobierno del Perú y una imagen del pasaporte mexicano.

(Voz Media / Wikimedia Commons-Avaflyne / Wikimedia Commons-Diego Delso)

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(AFP/ Voz Media) The Peruvian government announced Saturday that it will request a visa from Mexican citizens who decide to visit Peru, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.

"The government of Peru will impose a visa requirement on Mexican citizens who decide to visit our country," said a statement from the ministry.

The Foreign Ministry noted that the measure occurs "in response to the unilateral announcement by the government of Mexico to impose the requirement of a temporary visa for Peruvian citizens who decide to visit their country, and in application of the Principle of Reciprocity, a fundamental rule in the relationship between sovereign states," Mexico will require a visa from Peruvians starting next April 20.

"Peru regrets this decision by Mexico that undermines efforts to improve bilateral relations and affects the programmatic commitments assumed in the Pacific Alliance to facilitate the free movement of people between both countries," the ministry added.

Peru will make some exceptions that will be specified in an upcoming Supreme Decree. In that sense, the Foreign Ministry explained that a visa will not be required for Mexican citizens who have a Schengen visa, or those from the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, Australia or Japan.

Nor will it require a visa from permanent residents in those countries and in the other members of the Pacific Alliance, which includes Chile and Colombia.
