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The country of hospitals without water

Venezuela is drying up in the hands of the criminals and satraps who have taken power.

""El grito"", de Edvard Munch.

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A hospital that remains without water, where patients sleep in front of a contaminated toilet and die in many cases from a lack of sanitary resources, represents a crime against humanity. This is the reality suffered in Venezuela, while Chavista propaganda sells the idea that everything has been fixed: this lie is crumbling under its own weight. The first lines of this article refer to the Patricio Alcalá University Hospital in the city of Cumaná, which has collapsed like the rest of the country.

It is unbelievable that in a country with the largest oil reserves in the world, and rich in so many other natural resources, people are suffering and dying in hospitals that do not even have water, much less sufficient medical supplies.

I receive various reports that attest to the true national reality. While the parasites who govern live like kings, the provinces have been relegated to oblivion. Since the regime is not supported by votes but by other tricks, Maduro, his henchmen and the Chavista governors and mayors that care little about the hardships of the population.

A ruler who subjects the people to such impoverished conditions not only shows the cruelty of his nature, but is clearly a genocide. In Venezuela many people live in extreme poverty, they are the outcasts of a communist system that creates nouveau riche elites while increasing the number of poor people.

Five days without water is something that sounds impossible to imagine for any citizen of a developed nation, but that is what the inhabitants of Venezuela are suffering. It is a truth that has been censored by the dictatorship and that shows what really happens in a country that has been screwed up because of chavismo.

Five days without water is something that sounds impossible to imagine for any citizen of a developed nation, but that is what the inhabitants of Venezuela are suffering. It is a truth that has been censored by the dictatorship and that shows what really happens in a country that has been screwed up because of chavismo.

A huge number of doctors have been fleeing the country, and the healthcare system has been set back more than 50 years. Chavez's legacy was a backward country, governed by irregular groups and criminal gangs.

Those who suffer the ravages of the true reality of Venezuela have no space to raise their voices, the dictatorship oppresses them, hunger surrounds them and the threat of destruction becomes a real weapon. It is the duty of all of us to denounce what is happening in each of the cities of the national territory.

The country's drinking water pipelines spend hours and days without water, the situation is generalized and affects the lives of millions of Venezuelans in all states.

The country is drying up in the hands of the criminals and satraps who took power. In Venezuela there may be no water in the pipes, but there are millions of hearts struggling to get ahead. They are thirsty for change and to build a country free of dictatorship, misery and mediocrity. For them I write and for them we must be determined in our mission to make known the truth of what is happening.
