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The Olympic flame begins its journey towards Paris

The clouds prevented the tradition of the torch being kindled by the sun's rays.

Momento del encendido de la llama olímpica 2024.

Momento del encendido de la llama olímpica 2024. (Cordon Press)

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The Olympic flame of the Paris Games was lit this Tuesday in the temple dedicated to the goddess Hera in the archaeological zone of Olympia in Greece and began its relay journey to the French capital, where it will light the cauldron on July 26. The clouds prevented compliance with the tradition, which states that the Olympic torch must take the flame of a fire lit with the sun's rays.

Historical symbol of peace, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) staged this premise by bringing together the mayors of Ancient Olympia, Ilida and Sparta "to sign a declaration of Olympic truce, highlighting once again the role of the Olympic Games as a symbol of peace and unity." In addition, the document was signed by the President of the IOC, Thomas Bach, and the President of the Hellenic Republic, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, as well as other prominent personalities and organizations.

Fear of international unrest reduces travel to a minimum

After the lighting ceremony, the relays will carry the flame through the Peloponnese and pass through emblematic places such as the Acropolis of Athens, the sanctuary of Delphi and Marathon, before traveling to various islands, including Kastellorizo, Crete and Santorini, reports AFP. The fire will be handed over to France in the old Panathenaic stadium in Athens, where the first Games of the modern era took place in 1896. From the port of Piraeus a trip will begin on April 27 aboard the ship Belem, a 58-meter three-masted ship built in Nantes in 1896.

The arrival in Marseille, France, is scheduled for May 8 and from there an 80-day tour of France will begin until the cauldron is lit, which will be located in the Tuileries Garden, in front of the Pyramid of the Louvre museum. For 80 days the Olympic flame will be seen on the Normandy landing beaches, Mont Saint-Michel, the Alps and the most touristic places in Paris. Also at the Bataclan, the concert hall infamous for the jihadist attack of November 13, 2015. It is still to be discovered who will have the honor of being the last relayer and the name of the person in charge of lighting the cauldron, two details that the organizing committee jealously guards.

However, the torch journey was reduced to a minimum, almost symbolic, after the incidents and boycotts that occurred during its journey to Beijing in 2008, it was reduced to what was essential. With current international tensions, no one wants to take the risk. In fact, at the Panathenaic ceremony several lamps encapsulated with the fire of Olympia will be delivered to ensure that the original "pure" flame reaches its destination.
