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Washington D.C. is the least desirable city to live in for the second consecutive year

A report, which analyzes factors such as cost of living, air quality, safety, access to public services and resident satisfaction, has placed the nation's capital at the bottom of a ranking of 50 major cities.

Los funcionarios públicos que bloquean usuarios críticos en redes corren el riesgo de ser demandados por violar la Primera Enmienda, dice la Corte Suprema

Washington D.C.AFP

For the second year in a row, Washington D.C. has been ranked as the least desirable city in the United States to live in, according to a recent study released by Clever. This report, which analyzes factors such as cost of living, air quality, safety, access to public services and resident satisfaction, has placed the nation's capital at the bottom of a ranking of 50 major cities:

The District of Columbia is the most undesirable city for the second year in a row, and with Americans already politically fatigued during an election year, distaste for D.C. is higher than ever. About 33% of Americans say it is one of the top five worst cities in the U.S. — up from 20% who said the same in 2023.

Poor quality of life

The study highlights that, despite being the epicenter of U.S. political power, Washington D.C. faces significant challenges that have affected the quality of life of its residents. The high cost of housing, which continues to rise, and growing economic inequality are key factors that have contributed to the city's poor rating:

Politics aside, D.C. is one of the most expensive cities in the country. With 65% of Americans saying a high cost of living makes a place undesirable, it's no surprise the District of Columbia — along with New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles — is considered an unappealing place to live.

 In addition, the report highlights persistent safety issues, with rising crime rates.

In contrast, cities such as Tampa, Florida and Charlotte, North Carolina lead the list as the most desirable, thanks to their dynamic economies, healthy environments and high levels of satisfaction among residents.
