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An alarming video shows many non-citizens admitting to being registered to vote in Georgia

The event quickly went viral on social media, where it surpassed 50 million views. 

Minnesota polling place/Tony WebsterWikimedia Commons

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With Kamala Harris announcing Tim Walz as running mate and a few hours after a plunge in the markets, there didn't seem to be much of a hole in the news agenda. However, a video went viral on social media showing a group of non-citizens acknowledging that they are registered voters. It quickly surpassed 50 million reproductions on  social networks. 

The video in question, posted by the Oversight Project of the Heritage Foundation on its X account, but supported by footage from user '@realmuckraker', shows a group of people, apparently non-U.S. citizens, confessing that they are registered voters in the state of Georgia


"We attempted to locate these individuals on GA voter rolls and were unable to find them. Non-citizens have shoddy address records and often use false documents and names. It is unclear exactly what information these individuals gave when registering to vote," they reported from Oversight Proyect. 

At the same time, they added that 14% of the non-citizens spoken to admitted to being registered voters. According to their estimates, and extrapolating the figure across the Peach State, this would equate to about 47,000 people.   

As for the Oversight Project, and, according to their website, they work for "a government that is responsible and accountable to its citizens. We use Freedom of Information Act requests and other means to make government more transparent to the public and to allow Congress to use its oversight authorities with maximum effectiveness. The requests and analysis of information are informed by Heritage’s deep policy expertise. By its nature, the Oversight Project primarily engages in disseminating information to the public", they add. 

"One thing is for certain: Systems are being taken advantage of, and the outcome of the 2024 election will be difficult to determine given the near impossibility of auditing in a short period of time," they continued in the social media post about non-citizens. 

Finally, they made themselves available to state authorities to "cooperate with a police investigation." 
