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Biden administration will offer 'mass amnesty' to illegal immigrants

The Democratic government has closed more than 350,000 asylum cases filed by immigrants since 2022. Without a court decision, those without papers are removed from the legal system and are not required to maintain communication with authorities.

Un grupo de migrantes busca una abertura en la barrera de alambre concertina | Cordon Press

Un grupo de migrantes busca una abertura en la barrera de alambre concertina | Cordon Press

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Joe Biden is preparing a “mass amnesty” for illegal immigrants, according to The New York Post. According to data reported by the outlet, the White House has closed more than 350,000 asylum cases filed by immigrants since 2022.

By ending their cases without a decision, those without papers are removed from the legal system and are not required to maintain communication with authorities. Additionally, once the case is over, they can seek other legal alternatives to remain in the country.

"The move allows them to legally, indefinitely roam about the U.S. without fear of deportation, effectively letting them slip through the cracks ... Once cases are closed, migrants are no longer in 'removal proceedings' and subject to deportation – the government’s default position for all migrants admitted at the border," detailed the report.

According to data published by Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse in 2020, during the Donald Trump administration, immigration courts ordered the deportation of 48,000 undocumented migrants. Fewer than 20,000 people were granted asylum, and 4,700 had their cases closed and were allowed to remain in the country.

In that sense, The New York Post compared the data of the Republican government with that of the Joe Biden administration and explained that in 2022, 36,000 illegal immigrants were kicked out of the country, 32,000 were granted asylum and 102,550 had their cases dismissed or were removed from the records. It noted that "in 2023, there were 149,000 cases in this latter category, and so far in financial year 2024 — which ends Sept. 30 — the data is certain to surpass that, with 114,000 cases closed already."

"In 2022, under Biden, a memo issued by Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s principal legal adviser, Kerry Doyle, and seen by The Post instructed prosecutors at the agency to allow cases to be dismissed for migrants who aren’t deemed national security threats," the report indicated.

Migrants who ‘commit crimes after the dismissal’

The decision not only promotes the mass arrival of illegal immigrants. The New York Post explained that there has been an increase in crimes committed by migrants once their cases are closed because they are no longer monitored by the authorities.

"If the migrants, who ICE no longer controls or monitors, commit crimes after the dismissal, ICE will have to start all over and issue a new Notice to Appear in court and start the clock all over again," an ICE official told The New York Post.

Since Joe Biden came to power, the migrant population has increased by around 6.6 million people, according to data from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). This has generated an unprecedented immigration crisis in the country that has not been controlled by Democrats:

The current scale of immigration (legal and illegal) into the United States is without any precedent in the nation’s history. In March 2024 the foreign-born population reached 51.6 million, 5.1 million more than in March 2022 — the largest two-year increase ever recorded in American History. Moreover, 15.6 percent of the U.S. population is now foreign-born — the largest share on record.