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New York City cuts funding for migrants by 30% to address immigration crisis

Democratic Mayor Eric Adams authorized the funding reduction, saying the emergency due to the migrant crisis has diminished.

Eric Adams, FBI, demócrata

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Mayor Eric Adams announced an additional 10% cut in the budget to address the immigration crisis in the city. This brings the total reduction in funding for migrants to 30%, after a previous 20% reduction already announced during the Preliminary Budget.

The cuts will take effect in the coming weeks.

Adams gave the information during an exclusive interview with ABC's Eyewitness News. The Democrat maintained that he made the decision because he believes that, although the migrant crisis continues, the emergency has diminished.

"We're now transitioning into a stabilized state. This is going to be here for a while. So by doing that, we can renegotiate contracts. We can look at long-term planning. We're not using this as an emergency, although we're in a crisis status. We're treating it differently because the emergency still exists. But we are managing it differently," Adams said.

The cuts announced by Adams come as the border crisis rages on. In fact, the city had to extend the curfews in migrant shelters due to safety issues. Adams' government implemented the measure in four undocumented migrant centers. However, last week, it was learned that there will now be 20 centers that will apply the policy.

"New York City continues to lead the nation in managing this national humanitarian crisis, and that includes prioritizing the health and safety of both asylum seekers in our care and New Yorkers who live in the communities surrounding the emergency shelters we manage," New York City Council spokesperson Kayla Mamelak said in a statement emailed to the Associated Press.
