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Eric Adams announces new restrictions for immigrant buses arriving in New York from Texas

The Democrat enacted an executive order requiring arrivals to be at specific times and requiring more than a day's notice. Failure to comply would result in a class B misdemeanor.

Eric Adams, durante una comparecencia.

Eric Adams (Angela Weiss / AFP)

New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced new restrictions aimed at curbing the busing of immigrants from Texas to the sanctuary city.

The Democrat enacted an executive order requiring buses transporting illegal immigrants to arrive in NYC at stipulated times (Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12 pm) and provide 32 hours notice of their arrival in the city. Likewise, they must also leave the immigrants in a designated location.

If buses fail to comply with these new rules, it would result in a class B misdemeanor (which carries penalties of three months in jail and fines between $500 and $2,000). The NYPD is also authorized to impound buses. According to Adams:

To be clear, this is not about stopping people from coming, but about ensuring the safety of migrants and ensuring that they can arrive in a coordinated and orderly manner.

Adams commented that he has not met with President Biden this year to discuss the city's current immigration crisis:

I met with the president several times on this issue in ‘21 I think early 2022, the dates get confused (...) It baffles me. New York City is the economic engine of the state and of the country. And I don't have the answer.

In another statement, Adams stated that his order was specifically directed at buses sent by Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

New York City has begun to see another wave of immigrants arriving, and we expect this to intensify in the coming days as a result of Texas Governor Abbott's cruel and inhumane policy. Just last week, 14 "Chartered buses carrying immigrants arrived overnight from Texas, the highest number recorded in a single night, in addition to the hundreds of immigrants who arrived that same day via other means of transportation."