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Planned Parenthood and its affiliates received nearly $2 billion from taxpayers to fund abortions

Abortion groups obtained "$148 million from HHS, $1.54 billion from Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP and 44 Paycheck Protection Program loans for approximately $89 million."

Planned Parenthood y sus afiliados recibieron casi $2.000 millones de los contribuyentes para financiar abortos

(Planned Parenthood en St. Paul.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a recent report that revealed that (between 2019 and 2021), nearly $2 billion in taxpayer funds went to funding abortions.

According to the study, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates made almost $1.78 billion :

Planned Parenthood Federation of America members received about $148 million in HHS grants or cooperative agreements and $1.54 billion in Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP payments. Planned Parenthood members also received 44 Paycheck Protection Program loans totaling approximately $89 million; The entire amount was forgiven, including accrued interest.

GAO by Veronica Silveri on Scribd

According to the GAO, "this report describes federal funding of health centers, affiliates of Planned Parenthood, four national organizations, it also describes the funding received and spent by these organizations from 2019 to 2021." In order to do this, data was collected from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Payment Management System of the Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Uniform Data System of the Health Resources and Services Administration of the HHS.

Republicans call report 'truly shocking'

In Congress, Republicans spoke out about the report, calling it "truly shocking."

Senator Marsha Blackburn said that "it is appalling that large abortion providers continue to receive billions of dollars in taxpayer funds" and added that "the American people want their tax dollars to be spent responsibly and in accordance with our nation's values, not on the left's abortion-on-demand agenda."

Rep. Chris Smith stated that " Planned Parenthood received a whopping $1.78 billion, as the nation battled the Covid-19 pandemic":

Federal taxpayer money should not be funneled to large pro-abortion corporations like Planned Parenthood, which has killed more than 9.3 million unborn children since 1970, including 1.11 million between 2019 and 2021. This money would have been better used helping businesses that were forced to close or providing comprehensive medical support to both women and children.

The statements of the congressmen are a reflection of the opinion of the majority of Americans. A Marist Poll survey revealed that around 60% of citizens reject and oppose using their tax money to finance abortions.

2023 Kofc Marist Poll Presentation by Veronica Silveri on Scribd
