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Democrat Susanna Gibson claims she had 'no idea' about the existence of sexually explicit videos of her

Gibson posted videos made with her husband on the website Chaturbate under the name "HotWifeExperience." Users could pay for her to perform specific sex acts.

Susanna Gibson asegura que

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Susanna Gibson, a Democratic candidate who ran and lost for office in Virginia, came under fire a few months ago for videos that surfaced of her performing graphic sexual acts. Now, she claims she had "no idea" about the content's existence.

Last year, Gibson posted, according to DailyWire, sexual content on the website Chaturbate under the name "HotWifeExperience." The videos were made with her husband. On the site, users could pay to request her to perform specific sexual acts.

'An invasion of my privacy and potentially a crime'

The Democrat told Politico that the videos were found on "the dark web" and that she "didn’t have any idea that there were ever videos of me that had been made and uploaded to multiple sites." She further asserted that they were "an invasion of my privacy and potentially a crime":

"My entire life was rocked on Sept. 11, when the article ran," she continued. "It ran, implying that I performed sex acts online with my husband for money."

According to Gibson, the videos were used to generate controversy and hurt her campaign. She claims that "a political operative found sexually explicit videos of a young woman running for office that she never knew existed — and we made that pretty clear in our statement — and shopped them around to various news outlets, trying to get them published to humiliate, intimidate, coerce, harass this woman, and with the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election that very well could have been the majority maker or breaker for the House."

Content of the videos

The videos appear to be recorded by her husband, attorney John David Gibson. She can be heard in some of them saying that "he doesn’t like sharing" her with other men. In other videos, the Democrat can be heard saying phrases such as: "I’m definitely a slut… In order to leave the door cracked I need 500 tokens [method of payment on the site]."

"I’m raising money for a really good cause and it’s my birthday so give me more please because it’s my birthday night and yeah so then I f***ed him in his house for the first time and then later that night I f***ed my husband," Gibson said in another video.
