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"Oh my God this is so easy, upper class white people dying": Louisville shooter Connor Sturgeon's manifesto has been released

The letter makes it clear that, like Audrey Hale (the Nashville killer who killed six people), Sturgeon carried out the shootings with racial motivations (against white people).

Sale a la luz el manifiesto de Connor Sturgeon, el tirador de Louisville


"OH MY GOD THIS IS SO EASY (...) Perhaps this is the impact for change: upper class white people dying (...) Everything has been planned, and it is flawed, but I believe it will work," are some of the phrases in the manifesto of Connor Sturgeon, the Louisville shooter who killed five people at the Old National Bank facilities in downtown Louisville, Kentucky last April 10.

The manifesto makes it clear that Sturgeon (like Audrey Hale, the Nashville murderer who killed six people) carried out the shootings with racial motivations (against white people). He was clearly in favor of gun control.

Some of the phrases present in the writing are:

These people didn't deserve to die, but since I was depressed and was able to buy [guns], they are gone (...) It is legitimately unfathomable how easy all this was... WAY better liar than anyone gave me credit for...good heavens, I just lied to everyone so easily and [no one] caught on (...) This is not an accident. I'm sorry I had to lie all week, but this [is] something I have to do (...) I know I won't be around to see it, and I know that makes me a coward (...) I couldn't have done this without all of your lobbying dollars! You really brought this whole thing together.

The Louisville shooting

Sturgeon was a 23-year-old who worked at the bank for almost two years as a "syndications associate and portfolio banker." In addition, he completed three previous summer internships there. He used a rifle in the shooting.

The gunman opened fire at around 8:35 am local time in the bank's conference room. Officers arrived on scene within three minutes of being called and the suspect was still shooting. The event left five people dead (plus Sturgeon).

Link to Audrey Hale

In early November, the manifesto of Audrey Hale was published. The trans shooter was responsible for the mass shooting at Covenant School, a Christian elementary school located in Nashville, Tennessee, on March 27.

The letter included statements like: " Kill those kids!!! ... going to fancy private schools with those fancy khakis, sports backpacks with their daddies' mustangs and convertibles." (...) " Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots with your white privilege" and "I hope I have a high death count. Ready to die."

The manifestos of these murderers (Hale and Sturgeon) took a while to be released. Both show how they carried out the shootings- among other reasons- for racial motivations (hatred of whites) and against upper-class citizens.
