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Video: Brutal assault on gas station cashier in Seattle

Six young men entered to steal while one of them savagely beat the woman.

Las cámaras de seguridad de la gasolinera captaron el atraco y la agresión.

(Twitter/Fox News)

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The cashier of a gas station in Normandy Park (Seattle) was brutally assaulted by an individual who entered the premises to rob and steal along with five other young people. The cameras recorded the images of the thieves taking the money from the box, as well as various items from the establishment, while the sixth youth kicked and punched the woman relentlessly, even after he managed to knock her to the ground.

Police continue search for perpetrators of Seattle assault

In addition to the goods stolen from the store, the assailants barely got away with US$ 100 from the cash drawer. Police found the two stolen vehicles with which the teens arrived and fled, the search for the robbers continues. The agents in charge of the case believe that some of them are minors, and pointed out that so far, there is no evidence that weapons were used in the attack.

The cashier, Leah Johnston, told Fox News that the assailants "They laughed. They didn't care about anything. They don't care about anything anymore. Kids don’t seem to fear anything anymore. There’s no repercussions for them the way there used to be." In addition, she said that, although the idea of being robbed was not foreign to her, she never thought that she would be attacked in that way. "I know of people who have been robbed, I know in the back of my mind it can always happen. But, I never thought that I would be attacked the way I was attacked. I wasn't prepared."
