Russell Brand's representative agency "terminates ties" with him after being accused by four women of alleged sexual assault
A documentary made by Channel 4, 'The Times of London' and 'The Sunday Times' revealed that the British actor had raped, sexually assaulted and abused several women.

(Cordon Press)
The controversy continues in relation to Russell Brand, the ex-husband of singer Katy Perry, who several women have accused of sexual assault this weekend. Right after the news was discovered, the comedian began to feel the consequences of the exclusive. The last to act was his agency, Tavistock Wood Management, that assured, in statements collected by NBC on Sunday, that it had ended all kinds of relationship with Brand:
The networks Brand worked for, the BBC and Channel 4, also said they would take action. A spokesman for British public television said, in statements collected by the publication Metro, that they were "urgently looking" at the allegations:
Channel 4, the network that not only published the documentary but hired Brand for several jobs, also explained to the BBC that they would conduct an internal investigation to determine what had happened during the time the British actor collaborated with British television.
Documentary uncovers Brand's alleged sex crimes
It all started with the release of "Russell Brand: In Plain Sight," a Channel 4 Dispatch documentary in collaboration with The Times of London and The Sunday Times. In the audiovisual project, it was claimed that the British comedian and actor had raped, sexually assaulted and emotionally abused several women. Specifically, the documentary points out, it had happened between 2006 and 2013, when Brand was at the height of his career and presented on both BBC Radio 2 and Channel 4 before starting a career in Hollywood.
Ten years later, four women reported being sexually assaulted. They did so when journalists decided to investigate after having indications of strange behavior in Brand and contacted them. All of them said they had not given their consent when they had sex with Brand.
The first to report, explained The Sunday Times, said that Brand had raped her against a wall in her home in Los Angeles. In fact, there are medical records that state that she received medical assistance at a rape crisis center that same day. In addition, she provided as evidence a series of text messages that proved what happened and where she reproached him for what happened: "When a girl says NO, it means no," reads in the SMS. Brand replied that he was "very sorry."
Sexual addition
The rest of the stories are similar and also reveal controlling, abusive and predatory behavior. Something he has never hidden. In fact, The Independant recalls, the comedian went to rehab for his sexual addition problems.
Something that he himself acknowledges in his autobiography "My Booky Wook" where he acknowledged that he had gone to the medical center because he had been told that "my sexual behaviour might become damaging to my career":
Russell Brand responds to allegations
The British comedian, actor and presenter acknowledged in a statement released Saturday that he was "very promiscuous." However, he said, the relationships he maintained with all of them were always "consensual":