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James O'Keefe denounces trans rapes in women's correctional facilities

The former director of Project Veritas released a video in which two inmates at a women's correctional facility in Washington testify that they are sexually abused, indoctrinated and mistreated.

James O'Keefe denuncia violaciones de trans en correccionales para mujeres.

(Capture / O'keefe Media Group - Youtube)


James O'Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, released a new video in which two inmates at the Washington State Correctional Center for Women (WCCW) are heard recounting how transgender inmates (biological men) sexually abuse many incarcerated women .

O'Keefe called WCCW "the tip of the spear with inclusivity in the prison system."

The inmates were identified in the video as "Inmate #1" and "Inmate #2." O'Keefe did not provide further details about how or at what time the interviews were conducted.

"We have male rapists, male murderers, child rapists"

Inmate #1 noted that in prison there were "some having sex with women — there was some, like, assaulting, but no one reported it," she added:

So, we have male rapists, male murderers, male child rapists, men who have killed women and are in prison for raping and killing women who are put in our rooms (...) imagine walking into your room one day and you are in locked custody and you turn around and there is a man standing there urinating in the toilet because you have the bathroom in your room at CCU. There is nothing you can do about it!

"We don't get the same care and treatment that trans people get here"

The inmates say that the system "is not equal" and allege that do not receive "the same care and treatment that transgender people receive" in the correctional facility. In addition, they denounced that the prison has deficient medical services and that it is much more difficult for women to meet their health needs than for transgender people. :

Some of these men are not confused, they are just manipulating the system (...) They cater to the trans community. All you have to do is say you're a woman, that now, when you're in county (jail), you say you identify as a woman, and you can come straight here from county. The guys don't even have to go to the men's prison first.

The sources added that some men pretend to be transgender in order to enter the women's prison and "be able to have sex with female inmates." In addition, they expressed fear because the rapes are recurrent and they can do nothing to defend themselves:

There's nothing you can do but say you're going to kill yourself and then go down to the crazy unit to get out of that room. And if you refuse to go back in there, you get a major, you get in trouble. I told all this to the assistant secretary.

"My safety is now in jeopardy"

The inmates expressed panic because they feel insecure about not being able to express themselves and indicated that they are indoctrinated as to what transsexuality is:

My safety is now in jeopardy because I cannot voice my freedom of speech, but that doesn’t apply anymore because now they’re implementing this new gender equality role that forces us to conform to what they want us to believe in about the transgenders.

Rape is a common occurrence in the correctional facility. Inmate #2 heard "some of these men talk about how they would want to get a girl pregnant so that the girl could form a lawsuit against WCCW and say that he raped her and he is willing to go along with it. He's pretty much the mastermind behind his own scandal."
