'Woke' dictatorship: Black boy's assault on white girl illustrated with image of white boy
Zuri Anderson illustrated the news of the assailant's arrest with a photograph of one white child threatening another.

(Captura de vídeo/Twitter).
The irrefutable truth of "white supremacy" and "white violence against blacks" cannot be refuted by something as simple as reality. At least that's what Zuri Anderson must have thought when she illustrated the news of a student's arrest for assaulting a nine-year-old girl on a school bus with a photograph of a white boy threatening another classmate with a raised fist. However, what actually happened was that a black boy assaulted a white girl on the bus that was taking them to school.
The story in question involved the arrest of a student in Florida for brutally beating a third-grade girl after arguing with her on the school bus. In the video recorded by a classmate, a second boy can be seen joining in the attack. The victim's mother reported both of them while accusing the two adults present, the driver and an aide, of doing nothing to protect her daughter.
Arrested after video circulated on social networks
Anderson included in her article the video from the attack, in which it is clear that the aggressor is black and the victim is white. However, she chose to illustrate the news with a generic stock image in which both the aggressor and the victim are white. At least the photo looks like it was taken on a school bus.
In a statement, the Miami Dade Public Schools claimed they are aware of the video that was posted on social media and announced that the assailants were arrested: