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Inflation, Medicare and fighting crime, top priorities for Americans

A CBS poll indicates these as the main priorities that citizens expect the new Congress to tackle as soon as possible.

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Reducing inflation, fighting crime and protecting Social Security and Medicare are the priorities that Americans are now calling attention to, following the appointment of a new Republican majority in the House of Representatives and the incumbant Democratic majority in the Senate. According to a survey, the leaders of both parties in each house are little known and have failed in the eyes of citizens, who also perceive that Democracy is "less threatened" than on November 8, 2022. President Biden again failed (44% approval), with a strong rejection of his measures on price controls, the economy and immigration.

Priorities among voters of both parties only agree overwhelmingly on the topic of inflation, according to the poll by CBS and YouGov. Thus, Republican supporters have placed the reduction of inflation as their main task, voted for by 89% of respondents, while with the Democrats, it ranked fourth on their list, with 65% of votes. For conservatives, the second area of concern, also indicated by an overwhelming 85%, is securing the border. The third most urgent concern, with 77% of support, is that the U.S. increase its own energy production.


Inflation, border and energy, Republican priorities

In terms of Democratic priorities, the first place goes to guaranteeing the protection of Social Security and Mediacare, with 78% of the votes. It is followed, with 71%, by the fight against climate change. Further behind, with 67%, is the protection of access to abortion. Interestingly, the party's main electoral ticket does not occupy the highest place of concern among its voters nor does it receive as massive a support as other issues.

In addition, 52% of the respondents who declared themselves Republicans bet that conservative representatives would work in opposition to Biden and the Democrats. On the contrary, 48% believe that both parties and the Administration should work together to address the main challenges facing the country.

Social Security, climate change and abortion worry Democrats

Despite the extensive list of duties for Congress, Americans do not have a high opinion of the party leaders in either house. In reality, most do not have a sufficient idea or knowledge about them, followed by those who fail them. In the case of GOP members, House Majority Leader, the newly inaugurated Kevin McCarthy, is "neutral" or little known to 51% of the population, while 34% view him unfavorably. Only 14% approve of his presence. His colleague Mitch McConnell, leader of the Republican minority in the Senate receives the same support, but fails for 46% and is indifferent (or unknown) for 40% of those polled.

However, the most unknown of all is Hakeem Jeffries, newly elected Democratic minority leader in the lower house, with 64%. His approval and rejection are 18% each. For his part, Chuck Schumer, leader of the blue majority in the Senate, is also viewed favorably by 18% of respondents, while 36% reject him and 46% indicate that they do not know him or are indifferent to him. Curious for a person with a long career like Schumer's.

Joe Biden suspends again

Joe Biden flunked again with 44% of people approving of his job versus 56% who are critical. His detractors especially condemn his performance on price control (68%), management of the economy (63%) and his immigration policy (62%). 58% of respondents are also opposed to the way congress is addressing the abortion issue.
