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Presidential Elections 2024

Journalists' insane obsession with Trump

Presidential Election 2024: What we are seeing is the death of journalism buried by left-wing activists. Some of the most famous journalists seem willing to do whatever it takes to keep the GOP from winning the election.

Donald Trump during a rally in Wisconsin (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP).AFP

A few days ago, the New York Times published an editorial that endorsed Kamala Harris' campaign. The support is not surprising, the editorial line of the medium is clear. However, the arguments expressed in the text show the insufferable level of hatred of some of the most important journalists in this country against Trump. Instead of writing an article explaining the reasons why they believe Kamala would be a good president, which is the normal thing to do in an editorial piece in which a media outlet makes public its support for a candidacy, the New York Times dedicates this piece to attacking Trump and also those who support them, that is, almost half of the country.

The editorial reads, "Regardless of any political disagreements voters may have with her, Kamala Harris is the only patriotic choice for president." The hatred of some journalists has reached such high levels that it drives them to insult half the country, asserting that only those who vote for the media's preferred candidate are patriotic. Discussion of ideas and arguments about public policy have been thrown into the trash in favor of repeating, over and over again, that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.

"This unequivocal and dispiriting truth - Donald Trump is unfit to be president - should be enough for any voter who cares about the health of our country and the stability of our democracy to deny him re-election," says the New York Times.

Almost daily, we hear some mainstream media journalists assert that no matter what the problems of the Democratic campaign, it should be unthinkable to vote for Trump insofar as it means the destruction of the country. The results of the current administration are so poor that even journalists who act as spokespersons for the Harris campaign prefer to avoid talking about it. Moreover, many openly acknowledge that on the issues most important to Americans, the Biden-Harris administration has been a disaster, but still, they dare to assert that the only ethical choice is to vote Democrat.

Meanwhile, millions of Americans are not only clear that Trump effectively handed over power and that questions about election results have long occurred in this country and from both parties, but they also see daily the disconnect of those journalists with reality. What is more important, a mother who struggles every month to provide for her children or that a former president paid a confidentiality agreement with Stormy Daniels? Most Americans want to see solutions to their day-to-day problems, and complaints about Trump's character and personal behaviors are nonsense next to the crises that the working class is experiencing these days.

Some journalists have forgotten that one of their primary jobs is to give the audience the information they need about the issues they care about. What is happening with inflation? How are crime rates? What is happening in terms of electoral integrity in Congress? Some media, driven mad by their hatred, dedicate themselves every day to looking for the most controversial phrase said by the former president to make it news. Therefore, it is unsurprising that Americans' distrust of the traditional media has reached historic levels.

Those journalists who point to Trump voters and accuse them of being unpatriotic should shed for a moment the hatred they feel for the former president and put themselves in the shoes of an American whose salary is not enough to make ends meet and who when he gets home and turns on the TV has to watch a whole TV show talking about the joy of Kamala. Will the Democratic candidate's laughter fill the refrigerator of the poorest families?

Many journalists have gone crazy with Trump's ways. Trump’s character and his direct way of approaching the press have made them develop an uncontainable hatred. Even formalities have been thrown away, and they don't even care anymore, even if it is to appear objective. They have proclaimed themselves the enlightened ones who will save Americans from electing a supposed enemy of democracy. With what authority does a journalist from his office in New York despise the working American who, beyond parties, only wants to return to the times when his salary was enough? If the hatred of these journalists for the Republican candidate prevents them from carrying out their work with transparency, the correct thing would be for them to remove the label of journalist and openly recognize that they have become activists willing to insult half the country just for thinking differently.
