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Trump says Musk wouldn't have time to be in his cabinet but could serve as an advisor

The former president argues that the mogul's schedule is too demanding due to his responsibilities with SpaceX and Tesla.

Elon Musk and Donald Trump in a file photo.Frederic J. Brown / Brenden Smialowski / AFP

On Sunday, former president and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said that Elon Musk probably could not be part of his eventual White House cabinet due to the high demands of running his various companies, including Tesla and SpaceX.

According to Trump, although he would like to have Musk in his cabinet, it would be practically impossible due to scheduling. However, he opened the door for the billionaire to become a sort of top advisor.

"He wants to be involved. Now look, he’s running big businesses and all that, so he can’t, really, I don’t think he could be cabinet," Trump said in an interview with now-TV product Shawn Ryan, a former Navy Seal. "I’d put him in the cabinet, absolutely, but I don’t know how he could do that with all the things he’s got going."

Afterward, Trump said Musk could give him recommendations to help the country, citing artificial intelligence as an example.

"He can sort of, as the expression goes, consult with the country and give you some very good ideas," said Trump, who was complimentary of Musk.

The U.S. mogul has been a strong supporter of Trump in this presidential campaign, officializing his endorsement last month after the former president survived an assassination attempt during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Even before this, Musk helped form a pro-Trump political action super committee, a clear indication that the billionaire was ready to formalize his support.

Moreover, Musk has been close and complimentary toward Trump, stating that he does not consider himself a conservative or a Republican but a classic liberal who can no longer support the Democrats, who, according to the Tesla owner, have moved too far to the left.

Musk himself has said he would like to help Trump in an eventual second term.

"I think it would be great to just have a government efficiency commission," Musk said in a conversation with Trump earlier this month on X. "And I’d be happy to help out on such a commission."
