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US sanctions former Haitian president for drug trafficking

According to the Treasury Department, Michel Joseph Martelly abused his influence to facilitate the trafficking of dangerous drugs, including cocaine, to U.S. territory.

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Treasury DepartmentAFP

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The Treasury Department reported that it sanctioned former Haitian President Michel Joseph Martelly. The decision, the department details, was made based on Executive Order (EO) 14059 from Dec. 15, 2021, which provides for the "imposition of sanctions on foreign persons involved in the global illicit drug trade."

According to the Treasury Department, Martelly abused his influence to facilitate the trafficking of dangerous drugs, including cocaine, destined for the United States.

"Martelly engaged in the laundering of illicit drug proceeds, worked with Haitian drug traffickers, and sponsored multiple Haiti-based gangs. Martelly was previously sanctioned by the Government of Canada on November 17, 2022," the department highlighted.

With the measure, U.S. financial institutions are prohibited from granting loans or providing credit to Martelly. Also prohibited are any foreign currency transactions that are subject to U.S. jurisdiction and in which Martelly has any interest. Americans are also prohibited from investing in or purchasing significant amounts of Martelly's equity or debt instruments.

Similarly, Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Bradley T. Smith explained that Martelly's role contributed to the deepening crisis in Haiti.

"Today’s action against Martelly emphasizes the significant and destabilizing role he and other corrupt political elites have played in perpetuating the ongoing crisis in Haiti," Smith said.

In that regard, Smith maintained that the United States is committed to the fight against drug trafficking and will continue to work with its international allies to push for measures that dismantle the drug trade and corruption.

"The United States, along with our international partners, is committed to disrupting those who facilitate the drug trafficking, corruption, and other illicit activities fueling the horrific gang violence and political instability," Smith detailed.
