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Democratic Party formally names Kamala Harris as White House candidate

The announcement comes after five days of early voting online, an election format that was originally planned to allow Joe Biden to appear on ballots in every state. 

Kamala HarrisCordon Press.

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Kamala Harris is now the official Democratic nominee for the upcoming 2024 presidential election. The Democratic National Committee announced it Monday, just weeks before the party's National Convention

The nomination comes after five days of online voting by delegates of the Democratic National Convention. In a statement picked up by the media, the party reported that 99% of delegates who had voted had done so in favor of Harris. 

This virtual early voting format was previously planned to ensure that Joe Biden would appear on the ballot in every state. The party said it would formally certify the vote before holding a roll call vote at the party convention that begins Aug. 19 in Chicago. 

Harris' election as the party's nominee had been expected since she ran as a replacement for Joe Biden. According to the AP, within hours of announcing her replacement, the California Democrat already had the acquired the minimum number of required endorsements from party delegates. 

A vice president for Harris 

Kamala Harris has not yet announced who will be her running mate for the White House. Three options are being tossed around for the second slot in the hypothetical Harris executive. Josh Shapiro, governor of Pennsylvania; Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota; and Mark Kelly, a senator from Arizona, are the names that are sounding the loudest.

Harris' campaign team confirmed that this Sunday the Democratic candidate interviewed with these three potential running mates. She has until Tuesday to make a decision and make it public. Harris will do so from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a key state for Democrats in the November elections. 
