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Reza Pahlavi, heir to the Iranian Shah, warns about the danger of Iran for the United States in the NatCon

The Crown Prince participated in the fourth edition of the conservative summit to speak about the alliance between Islam and communism, harmful to the concept of Western nationhood.

Prince Reza Pahlavi, activist, advocate and eldest son of the last Shah of Iran.Menahem Kahana / AFP.

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Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi participated in the Washington D.C. conservative summit, National Conservatism. This fourth edition, which was held from July 8 to 10, brought together a panel of conservative leaders.

During the summit, the son of the last Shah of Iran took the floor in front of the audience to charge against the regime of the ayatollahs and warn the world about the danger that lies in Iran's ruling ideology. A radical Islamism, enemy of the concept of nationhood, and which in alliance with communism threatens the West and the United States, Pahlavi assured.

The Iranian heir developed this idea, according to which the Islamist notion of the ayatollahs' regime eliminates the Iranian national identity, a Western conception, to replace it with the universality of Islam. The nation thus takes a back seat and Islam becomes the main notion for the country. 

"The Islamic Republic of Iran does not see itself as defending or confining itself to the borders of the 'mellat' or Iranian nation, but rather to the 'ommat' or Islamic brotherhood," Pahlavi stated. This perception of itself and its goals leads Iran to externalize its struggle regionally and internationally. Thus, there are several conflicts in which the Islamist regime has led to support different proxies, or to openly fight against the State of Israel;

Pahlavi warned about the arrival of this influence on U.S. soil. "Every day we see graphic and distressing images of the consequences that the expansion of this regime has brought as far as Europe and the West," the crown prince noted. "From the looting of universities that were once the envy of the world, to the support for terrorist cells gaining a foothold in Europe, to the attempt to annihilate Israel and the expansion of its criminal footprint into Latin America, this is no accident. It is the political strategy of the Islamic Republic," he concluded.

Reza Pahlavi, who is one of the leaders of the dissident movements of the Iranian regime, predicted the end of the ayatollahs. The crown prince again assured that in Iran there will be a future change. "Iran will once again be an ally of the United States and a close collaborator of both Israel and the Arab states," Pahlavi declared before concluding his speech by calling on Iranians to "take back" their country. 
