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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez files impeachment motion against SCOTUS Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas

The representative accused the Supreme Court justices of corruption after ruling in favor of giving Trump presidential immunity in his January 6 legal battle.

La congresista estadounidense Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dio un discurso en Astoria Park, Queens, sobre el Nuevo Pacto Verde.

Alexandria Ocasio-CortezCordon Press.

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Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez filed two separate impeachment motions Wednesday against Supreme Court Justices (SCOTUS) Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas

According to the media outlets that reviewed the motions, Ocasio-Cortez highlights that both judges have not clarified the details surrounding accusations of receiving gifts from private individuals. She also accuses them of failing to recuse themselves from cases involving either themselves or their associates indirectly.  

"These failures alone would amount to a deep transgression worthy of standard removal in any lower court, and would disqualify any nominee to the highest court from confirmation in the first place," said Ocasio-Cortez in a statement obtained by POLITICO

The New York representative is making good on her threat from last week when she claimed that she would file articles of impeachment against conservative judges after they voted to provide Trump with presidential immunity in the January 6 trial. 

Ocasio-Cortez then accused the Supreme Court of being a body "consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control." Ocasio-Cortez's motions have little chance of succeeding in the House of Representatives, which currently has a Republican majority. 
