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Liberal group invests $57 million to rescue Biden's performance with Hispanic voters

According to polls, the Democratic president has suffered significant losses in the electoral coalition that brought him to the White House in 2020.

Joe Biden

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To retain the White House in 2024, Joe Biden must at least maintain the electoral coalition that led him to victory four years ago, when a few thousand votes in key states propelled him to 306 votes in the electoral college. A good part of this coalition were Hispanics, who are now aligning themselves closer to the Republican Party.

For example, a recent survey placed Donald Trump ahead of the current president among the preferences of Hispanic voters. The border crisis, inflation and the rising cost of living have a lot to do with this situation.

According to a survey conducted by Pew Research, three out of four Hispanics believe that the Biden administration is doing a poor job managing the border.

In this context, the liberal group Somos Votantes, which runs Somos PAC, announced an investment of $57 million to rescue Biden among Hispanic voters.

Million-dollar investment in key states

As reported by NBC News, the aforementioned group will concentrate its efforts in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin, with an investment of $33 million in total. The rest of the money will be used to expand voter education programs.

"Latinos are the biggest and fastest growing segment of the electorate with more than 4 million new voters since the last presidential election, so we want to make sure that we are reaching them in every way possible," said the president of Somos Votantes, Melissa Morales, in dialogue with NBC News.

The new total is significantly higher than what the group spent during the 2020 election when it spent about $33 million.

"Elections are really won and lost on the margins, so in order to win on the margins, we’re going to have to actually talk to those voters on the margins, including Latinos," she added.
