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"People are tired of being manipulated by fear": Robert F. Kennedy Jr. posts a message in Spanish criticizing the country's current situation

The independent presidential candidate recalled that the United States used to be a model country.

Robert Kennedy Jr.

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Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. released a campaign video in Spanish criticizing the country's current position. He described how the nation has been losing its leadership position in the world and how the quality of life of Americans has been declining. He assured that his goal is for the United States to once again be a model country for the world. He titled his speech the State of Our Union.

"In the United States of my youth, our country seemed to have fulfilled its promise to be an exemplary nation. Modern democracy had spread from one nation in 1776, to six nations in 1865, and up to 190 in the 1960s. In those times we had created the city on the hill. Throughout the world, the United States was an example of authority. Our government institutions were renowned for their integrity and admired around the world. Many nations wanted a government like ours. We were a model of freedom that confirmed that for a country to progress, the people must have freedom of expression and freedom of religion, freedom to build large companies or small companies."

Kennedy claimed that the United States was the "freest country in the world. At that time, American workers could support their families on a single salary. They could buy a house, start a family, we were a country known for its creativity, phenomenal music and spectacular movies."

Likewise, he acknowledged that the country is struggling with various issues. He pointed out racial problems. He also recalled a time in history when the country achieved great milestones: "After the World War we rebuilt Europe, we managed to put a man on the moon, we had the healthiest and best-educated children in the entire world. Our productivity, ingenuity and positive spirit were the envy of the world."

We were confident in our power (...) We shared ourselves for the first time in a true democracy. Other countries aspired to be like us and our children grew up proud of being Americans and their flag. My uncle, President Kennedy, left us a legacy of peace and hope to end the arms race and the Cold War. Those were the traditions of freedom, prosperity and peace that my father, my uncle and Martin Luther King Jr. strove to protect.

Kennedy Jr. claimed that neither his father nor his uncle would recognize the country today. This is because "we have become a nation full of chronic illness, violence, loneliness, depression and division. Our big cities are in decline, full of homeless camps that remind us of the great depression. Our children are drowning in an isolation crisis. Polls show they have little hope for their future and have lost pride in our country."

The independent candidate described the economic and social crisis that the country is going through. Kennedy Jr. said that, in his opinion, powerful political groups want to impose one of their candidates on the country with the excuse of preserving democracy. But, he stressed, another option is possible that promotes American values and once again turns the United States into a reference for the world.

"We can stand and be happy again with good leadership. The most important message I want to get across to you about the State of our Union is this: Politically our nation seems more divided than ever. But people in all parts of the country already want to stop the division (..) People are tired of being manipulated by fear. We learned that lesson during COVID," he concluded.
