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Legal expert says Hunter charge is designed to protect Joe Biden

Lawyer and professor Jonathan Turley assured that the charges of tax evasion are a “wonderful” move to prevent the investigations from targeting the president.


(Cordon Press)

Many conservatives, Republicans, and whistleblowers alike have celebrated the 56-page indictment against Hunter Biden. However, Jonathan Turley, a long-time legal expert who participated in the impeachment proceedings against Presidents Clinton and Trump, assured that the charges filed for tax evasion are specifically designed to protect President Joe Biden.

In a column for the New York Post, Turley writes that the charges against Hunter, stemming from his tax evasion to finance his extravagant lifestyle, are a “wonderful” diversionary move so that the investigations are no longer directed at the Democratic president.

“The steps taken by Hunter to evade taxes are impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the efforts of the Justice Department to evade any direct implications for his father, President Biden,” writes Turley, who then explained what the Department of Justice’s main faults in the accusation against Hunter.

Burisma’s money

According to Turley, one of the problems with the indictment is that it focuses on how Hunter Biden didn’t pay taxes and not how he earned that money in the first place. In that sense, he points out that the Department of Justice altogether avoided the most controversial payments from the energy company Burisma, where Hunter Biden served as director, earning more than $80,000 a month without work experience in the energy and gas field.

Burisma, according to a highly credible FBI source, paid million-dollar bribes to Hunter and Joe Biden so that they would be in charge of stopping corruption investigations against the company in Ukraine.

Although this accusation has not been proven, the Department of Justice (DOJ) ordered that the statute of limitations for the case had passed without giving an apparent reason, explains Turley.

“Recent testimony from IRS whistleblowers suggests that wasn’t an accident. Investigators were stonewalled, they claimed, and the Justice Department was previously moving to reject any charges against Hunter Biden,” said Turley, who stated that an investigation into these payments would have put a spotlight on Hunter’s influence peddling and the conflict of interest that his father’s actions represented, as Joe Biden intervened directly to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma, Viktor Shokin.

Foreign agent Hunter

The legal expert details in his statement that Hunter Biden also avoided any charges as an unregistered foreign agent.

Turley explains that the DOJ recently charged Democratic Senator Bob Menendez with violating FARA, also known as the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

“The problem with charging Hunter with FARA is obvious,” Turley wrote. “It opens up questions about the millions of dollars going to the Biden family from foreign sources, a topic that Attorney General Merrick Garland has spent years avoiding.”

The unnamed co-conspirator

Finally, Turley explains that the indictment does not mention the man whom Hunter Biden used to carry out his business abroad: Joe Biden himself, who called, attended meetings and had dinners with his son’s business partners on different occasions.

“By focusing on tax evasion alone, Weiss again avoids any direct reference to the focus of the influence-peddling used to raise these millions of dollars,” the legal expert wrote. “Even without mentioning the president, the implications of the indictment are devastating for the narrative and denials of Joe Biden.”

According to Turley, prosecutor David Weiss makes a serious mistake by focusing, again and again, on the money that evaded taxation and not on how that money was obtained, which would undoubtedly harm Joe Biden.

“Weiss indicts the failure to pay taxes on the proceeds of these dealings without addressing that underlying corruption,” the professor stated in his article. “It is akin to arresting a bank robber for speeding away from the crime scene without mentioning the reason for his flight.”
