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Donald Trump visits Iowa bar and signs supporter's T-shirt

The former president went to the Treehouse Pub in Bettendorf where he was greeted by a mass of supporters chanting "We love Trump!"

Donald Trump firmando una camiseta a una de sus simpatizantes en un bar de Iowa el 20 de septiembre de 2023.

(YouTube / Fox News)

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Donald Trump is again the star of in another memorable campaign moment for the 2024 presidential election. The most recent one took place this Wednesday at the Treehouse Pub in Bettendorf, a bar in Iowa where the former president went and where he was received like a true superstar.

The most striking moment of that visit occurred when a woman, excited, asked Trump to sign her T-shirt. He did not hesitate to accept and not only autographed the shirt, but also the arm of his follower who, with a smile on her face, lived the moment enthusiastically:

She wasn't the only one to show her support for the former president. When he entered the establishment, hundreds of supporters greeted him with cheers and applause while chanting in unison "USA!" and "We love Trump!" A moment that Margo Martin, deputy director of communications for Donald Trump's campaign, did not hesitate to share on her social networks:

Trump's supporters, for their part, also decided to share the visit that the Iowa establishment had received on their social networks, thus showing the more informal side of the former president. In fact, as he has done in other cities, Donald Trump gave away pizza boxes to customers of the Treehouse Pub in Bettendorf, delivering them himself, as his campaign team took the time to show:
