Doors open on Jan. 6: new recording confirms permissive surveillance during Capitol riots
The images, accessed by Just The News, reveal a new security vulnerability that allowed hundreds of protesters to gain access to the congressional building.

(Wikimedia Commons)
New recordings reveal the bizarre and permissive actions of Capitol Hill agents during the January 6, 2021 riots. This time, Just The News accessed police security footage showing how a door on the west side of the Capitol was left open and largely unguarded during the height of the assault.
More than 300 people managed to enter the building unhindered, recounts Just The News, which shows footage from a security camera located in a hallway in the center of the Capitol. The recording is dated around 2:30 p.m. on January 6, 2021. In it, several Capitol Police officers are clearly seen leading the assailants who were already inside the building through a hallway to a fire escape door. Subsequently, a small group of protesters exits the building and leaves a huge opening breach through which a flood of more than 300 people enter in just 20 minutes.
Further on, you can see how the agents of the Capitol Police accompany the assailants to the first door that gives access to the bowels of the building. In just 20 minutes, protesters fill the Capitol building, according to images accessed by Just The News and released by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the House Administration Committee.
The theater of January 6
It is not the first time that we have been perplexed by the images of what happened on January 6, 2021. In March, Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson aired footage of the riot on Capitol Hill that contradicted the version defended for two years by the Biden Administration and the entire establishment media.
Footage obtained by the now-defunct Tucker Carlson Tonight program showed that the Capitol Police made no attempt to prevent Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley (known as the Qanon Shaman or QAnon Shaman), one of the main protesters that day, from reaching the Senate floor. Quite the contrary: the new videos reflected how the police escorted and guided him to the Chamber. A situation very similar to the one we see in the new video released by Just The News.