Nancy Pelosi's lie: she claimed to have "hard evidence" of Russia-Trump collusion
In July 2017, the then-House minority speaker claimed that she had a report proving relations between the former president's family and Russian officials.

Nancy Pelosi durante la rueda de prensa que dio en 2017 asegurando que tenía ""pruebas fehacientes"" de las relaciones entre Rusia y la familia Trump (Screenshot / YouTube).
In July 2017, Nancy Pelosi claimed she had "hard evidence" of collusion between Russia and the Trump family. The then House minority speaker claimed to have a report that included a meeting of about 20 minutes between Russian officials and the Trump family.
Eight years later, this statement turns out to be false. The Durham Report revealed Monday that no relationship ever existed between Trump or any of his family members and Russia.
And more seriously, that the FBI committed a "serious lack of analytical rigorwhere neither the Department of Justice nor the agency itself complied with its "mission statement".mission of strict fidelity to the law"as the governmental organization knew that the relationship between the Trump family and Russia was nonexistent. and, instead of denying the claims that were coming out against the then president of the United States, they decided to cover it up.