Trump support grows as Biden sinks, but most don't want a rematch between the two in 2024
The former president maintains a 15-point gap over DeSantis, while 70% do not want the president to seek re-election.

(Cordon Press).
Support for Donald Trump continues to rise among Republican ranks, while voters who do not want President Biden (70%) to seek re-election in 2024 are multiplying. However, 60% of respondents believe that the former president should not be the conservative candidate for the White House either, making way for a new political generation, citing his age as one of the main reasons. In addition, a majority would opt for an unspecified GOP candidate (47%) over Biden (41%).
Nearly 70% support Trump on his arrest and open investigations
According to an NBC poll, the rise in support for Trump is two-fold. On the one hand, he widely leads (46%) the list of preferred candidates among conservatives, 15 points ahead of Ron DeSantis (31%), who, although he has not yet announced his decision, continues to be the main rival of the former president. Far behind is former Vice President Mike Pence (6%), who also has not yet announced that he will run, and official candidates Nikky Haley and Asa Hutchinson, with 3% apiece. The last official candidate, Vivek Ramaswany, closes the list with 2%.
In addition, 68% of respondents believe that "the investigations are a politically motivated attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president again. No other candidate is like Donald Trump and we must support him now to prevent his opponents from winning." Only 26% believe he should make way for another opponent who has no judicial distractions and can "focus solely on defeating Joe Biden."
The majority wants a generational replacement
However, 60% of respondents indicated that they would prefer that Trump not be the Republican candidate in the next presidential election. Even worse off is President Biden, who was met with disapproval of 70% of voters and only has the support of 26%. Age is the main reason for this, with 48% considering it a "major reason" and 21% who consider it a "minor reason".
The poll also points to the victory of any Republican candidate (47%) against Biden (41%). In terms of perception, the president has a -10 rating among respondents (38% positive-48% negative), while Trump receives a -19 (34% positive-53% negative).
Biden has the worst re-election prospects of any of the last four presidents except for George W. Bush. This is the main conclusion that can be drawn from the data that The Washington Post has analyzed and compared from other surveys. According to this data, Biden has a 38% approval rating among Democratic voters for re-election in 2024. Most voters would prefer another candidate, but see few other options.
In the face of Biden's failure, Donald Trump garnered a 73% approval rating among Republicans for reelection. Obama got 75% of Democratic support and Bill Clinton got 50%. With these poor results, compared to his predecessors, this does not bode well for Biden's reelection, were it not for the fact that he has no rival in the Democratic primaries.