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Biden says he will run for re-election in 2024

So he conveyed to activist Al Sharpton last month at the White House as reported by NBC.

Joe Biden

(Cordon Press)

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Joe Biden confirmed that he will run for re-election in 2024. He conveyed this to activist Al Sharpton in a private conversation in the White House about a month ago, NBC News reported.

"I'm going to do it again," the president remarked to Al Sharpton during their meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the White House.

This new step by the president invites us to imagine that he will run for re-election in the next presidential elections, just two weeks after he stated his intention to continue four more years at the helm of the country in an interview on CBS's '60 Minutes': "Look, my intention as I said at the beginning is that I would run again. But it's just an intention."

So far, the president has not publicly confirmed his candidacy for 2024, although some of his collaborators have said that he will run again in an effort to extend his mandate for one more term.
