Hispanics: Let's vote!
We have been treated with condescension or paternalism and this has greatly affected our self-esteem. Let's show it at the ballot box.

This is a mid-term election year. The United States is going through tough times and inflation is just one sign of that. Some blame Trump for the socio-political polarization, but that polarization was actually created by violent groups and irresponsible politicians who do not respect the will of a big part of the American people. That polarization seeks to confuse Hispanics, who make up the largest minority in the country - to the point that it is more than likely that in the near future we will not be the biggest minority in the country. Candace Owens, a brilliant African-American conservative communicator, has seen the migration of a large portion of Hispanics to the Republican Party. She sees it most clearly in the Cuban and Venezuelan exiles who come to the United States fleeing socialism which the Democratic Party (not to mention all those lobbies that are sympathetic and functional to it) feels something more than just sympathy.
However, we must be aware that we Hispanics do not only come from recent migrations, but that we began to build this country as early as the 16th century. In many of the current regions of the United States, Spanish was spoken and written long before English. The first real Thanksgiving was also Hispanic, and our community's contribution to independence was crucial, not to mention the Hispanic influence in American agriculture, music and cuisine.
This sense of belonging and pride is very important when it comes to voting, because Hispanics have been treated with condescension or paternalism and this has affected our self-esteem and it is reflected in politics.
That is why it is so important for Hispanics to be well informed of their historical and cultural roots in the United States and to embrace their values when voting. Hispanics are entrepreneurial by nature, love freedom and family, and put God above all else. Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil, shares these same sentiments and values in his slogan.
So, let's define what is at stake in the November elections, which are called "mid-term" elections because they take place at the midpoint of the legislature, which lasts for four years. The 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 or 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate are up for grabs in these elections. In addition, 36 of the 50 states will elect their governors for a four-year term. Many states will also elect representatives to their legislatures. There are also county elections.
Mid-term elections usually have a lower level of participation than presidential elections: it usually ranges between 50 and 60% (at least this has been the case for the last 60 years). However, the November 8 elections are a good illustration of how the balance of power works in the United States, and may shape the immediate future beyond more or less closed off partisanship, which may be understood in Europe. The fact that Biden is from the Democratic Party does not guarantee that his people will say yes to everything; just as the fact that he was running for the GOP did not guarantee anything to Trump, since he had to face an establishment that has always waged war on him from within.
Candace Owens has long seen the migration of a large portion of Hispanics to the Republican Party. She saw it most clearly in the Cuban and Venezuelan exiles who come to the United States fleeing a socialism for which the Democratic Party feels something more than just sympathy.
Florida is one of the most Hispanic states because of its history and population: one seat in the Senate, 28 in Congress at stake. They will elects their governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, chief financial officer, commissioner of agriculture, represenatatives in the Senate and House of Representatives, commissioners, school board members, judges and even amendments to the state constitution. Both in the Sunshine State and in the rest of the country, we insist that Hispanics must educate and inform themselves, because their future is at stake, as well as the future of the entire nation.
It should be noted that the states organize their own elections, and decide the deadline for voting and how it should be done. Therefore, it is very important to consult with the state election office in charge to get more detailed information. However, we have put together a guide for Hispanic voters below.
The first thing to know is that in the United States you must be registered to vote. If you are not, you should learn how to do it. It does not hurt to know how to change your voter registration (given the existing mobility between states for work reasons, etc.) and how to apply for a registration card. All these issues can be reviewed at the following link:
Recently, globalist progressivism with all its woke agendas warned of how the so-called right to privacy had been right. However, this perverse language hides the fact that, after a great deal of work between judicial and legislative authorities and popular approval, the right to life is being promoted, not the supposed right to kill. The same right to kill that, curiously, is being targeted to the Hispanic and African-American communities. That's as far as anti-racism to globalists. Even though the media coverage is extremely strong, we won't be fooled. Hispanics were told Trump hated them, but nothing could be further from the truth. With Trump in office, Hispanics thrived at the highest levels, and it was Trump who appointed Eduardo Verástegui as an advisor. Eduardo Verástegui is defending values with his art and is not afraid to express them in politics. Hispanics are not afraid of political correctness.
They say that comparisons are odious, and if we analyze Trump's way of governing versus Biden's, even more so. The perverse language of the media/manipulation tried to make it seem that Trump would bring all sorts of disasters with him, but the truth is that with him the United States experienced a period of peace and prosperity rarely seen. This period of peace and prosperity was especially noticeable in communities such as those of Hispanics and African-Americans, who are the most affected by the abortionist policies. We can't forget that Trump was the only president to attend the Pro-Life March on Washington. This was something that goes beyond a mere declaration of intentions. It meant a whole new way of doing politics shortened by the inefficiency, corruption and nefarious ideology of the Biden Administration, which does not know what to do in the face of inflation and rising unemployment. They offer criticial race theory, abortion, Orwellian-style history substitution and, in short, hatred among Americans as a solution.