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Two weeks after the election, some on the left still can’t deal with reality

The most extreme are unable to deal with the fact that most Americans want low taxes, low regulation and curbs on illegal migration.

Captura de pantalla de un programa de The View

'The View' de ABC.The View/YouTube.

It is true that both parties have suffered major defeats throughout their history, and rightfully so; they have always recovered, but this defeat is proving particularly painful and damaging to the Democratic party. It is not only that their candidate lost in almost all population groups and did not win a single one of the swing states, but also that the defeat was against Donald Trump, whom the most extreme Democrats have labeled a Nazi, racist, misogynist and all the insults that one can think of.

The fact that Trump's victory was such a landslide should make leftists think that perhaps the Republican is not an evil dictator and that they were, in some important measure, wrong. But the hatred that some possess against Trump is so radical and blind that instead of self-reflection, their conclusion of the election is even more nonsensical than the theory they have had for years: it is no longer just Trump who wants to end democracy, but half of Americans.

Cognitive dissonance has reached the point of labeling Hispanics as racists for not voting for Kamala Harris. We saw this week Sunny Hostin of The View say Hispanics are sexist and misogynistic. We saw Joe Scarborough say that Hispanics didn't vote for Kamala because they are racist and misogynistic. What's the point of insulting voters who are leaving the party? It's much smarter to actually listen to Hispanics and try to bring them back into the party.

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell said in an interview that his party lost the election because they were "very nice and very modest." I wouldn't say that calling Trump voters "trash," as President Joe Biden did, is precisely a sign of kindness. And modesty is what we've seen the least of from the Democratic party in recent months. They were unable to recognize that the country was on the wrong track and that they needed to correct their policies, and today, they not only do not accept that they were wrong, but they insult those who did not vote for them. That is the opposite of humility!

The decent and intelligent leaders of the Democratic Party need to take the reins and stop the advance of the radical left. They lost because they decided to talk day and night about a trans agenda that is really an issue of 1% of the population instead of actually listening to the concerns of Americans and looking for solutions, not mere lip service.

Many journalists, who are actually activists, just can't stand that half the country voted to lower taxes, eliminate regulations, close the border and stop the LGBTI agenda. Those will continue to throw tantrums on their shows and present Trump's election as an apocalypse. Their ratings will continue to fall. Americans' level of trust in the media is at historically low levels because many journalists have become so insensitive that while Americans struggle to put food on their tables, they, from their privileged lives, insult them for voting for the candidate who offered to lower inflation.

It has been two weeks since the election. It is time for leftists who really want a better country to stop the tantrums and do the necessary reflection.
