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Milei makes history in Davos with a powerful speech aimed at the globalist elite

The president of Argentina spoke out strongly and truthfully against socialism at the World Economic Forum.

Javier Milei

Voz Media

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"The West is in danger. It is in danger because those who are supposed to defend Western values find themselves co-opted by a worldview that inexorably leads to socialism and, consequently, poverty." This is how Javier Milei, the president of Argentina, began his speech at the Davos Forum.

The world's first libertarian president gave a historic speech to an auditorium packed with the most important globalist leaders. With height, eloquence, and full of data, but above all with a heroic character, Milei entered the world headquarters of globalism, the World Economic Forum, to shoot truths like darts at the powerful worldwide elite who try to undermine the freedom of countries and impose the 2030 agenda from international organizations that have increasing power.

Milei began his trip to Davos in a very unique way, traveling on a commercial flight and accompanied by a very small team of four people. The videos of people approaching him to take photos on the plane were shared across social networks due to the rare humility of Argentina's new president. Some statements he made to a passenger who gave him an impromptu interview on the plane also attracted a lot of attention.

When asked what his objective at the World Economic Forum was, he stated that his intention was "to plant the ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the 2030 socialist agenda, and the only thing that is going to bring is misery to the world." His forceful message was more than fulfilled in the historic speech that the world heard today.

What Milei did was go to the globalists' bunker to tell them to their faces that they were imposing socialism on the countries. He spoke about economic ideas, but he was also unequivocal in criticizing each of the columns of cultural Marxism, specifically feminism, abortion, and environmentalism. He directly said that globalists are collectivists and communists.

"Far from being the cause of our problems, free enterprise capitalism as an economic system is the only tool we have to end hunger, poverty and homelessness throughout the planet," he said after giving a brief but forceful economics class, supported with data, how socialism has always caused misery, while capitalism has generated prosperity.

"How can it then be that academia, international organizations, politics and economic theory demonize an economic system that has not only lifted 90% of the world's population out of the most extreme poverty and it does it faster and faster, but it is also fair and morally superior," he blames the globalists and the international organizations, for wanting to impose a system that only produces misery. Milei confronted them directly and told them that they were promoting poverty.

"Collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world but, on the contrary, are their cause," Milei said to begin to destroy cultural Marxism that has become the main agenda of the international organizations.

"The socialists were forced to change their agenda and moved on to the ridiculous fight between man and woman," Milei stated, adding that all these items on the cultural agenda are "harmful to community life and economic growth." He went on to explain with exquisite clarity that the neo-Marxist agenda of these international organizations not only affects countries on an economic level, but also on a social level, which is why he highlighted that it is "harmful to community life."

"The only thing that this radical feminist agenda has resulted in is greater intervention by the State to give work to bureaucrats who do not contribute anything to society, whether in the format of women's ministries or international organizations."

"Another of the conflicts that socialists raise is man against nature, even going so far as to advocate population control mechanisms or the bloody agenda of abortion." Milei looked the leaders of international globalism in the face and criticized them for trying to control the population with a bloodstained agenda. The courage of the president of Argentina will go down in history as a historic moment.

"The neo-Marxists have known how to co-opt the common sense of the West; they achieved this thanks to the appropriation of the media, of culture, of universities, and yes, also, from international organizations. "This last case is the most serious perhaps because these are institutions that have enormous influence on the political and economic decisions of the countries that are part of these organizations."

This was perhaps one of the most decisive moments of Milei's speech; even his body language should be noted because while he mentioned international organizations, he paused to look around the room. The world's first libertarian president, in a speech that will go down in history, tells the leaders of the World Economic Forum that they have co-opted the common sense of the West and that with their power, they are modifying the decisions of countries to advance the 2030 agenda.

To conclude, Milei calls on businessmen to not surrender to politicians and to not give in to crony capitalism but to fight for freedom: "Do not let yourselves be intimidated, do not surrender to a political class that solely wants to remain in power, you are social benefactors and you are heroes, creators of the most extraordinary period of prosperity that we have ever experienced. Let no one tell you that your ambition is immoral."

Javier Milei's speech at the World Economic Forum will be the most impactful ever in history. Not only the solidity of his economic knowledge, but also his understanding of the 2030 agenda and how neo-Marxists, whether abortionists, environmentalists or any of their variants, are nothing more than communists with a new strategy. In addition, what Milei has done today is to tell the globalists of the world to their faces that they should stop interfering in other countries.; He dared to attend his most important meeting to date so that the entire world could hear how he dismantled, in front of its greatest leaders, each of the columns of globalism and the neo-Marxist agenda.
