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Ted Cruz is right about Cristina Kirchner

A thorough investigation of the Argentine vice-president is necessary to detoxify the country and eliminate the danger of another friend of the ayatollahs' regime in the region.

El senador republicano Ted Cruz dando un discurso frente a unas banderas norteamericanas.

(Cordon Press)

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Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz introduced a bill on Wednesday that would sanction several Argentine officials for corruption, including the vice president of the South American country, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

"Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is a deeply corrupt politician who has undermined the rule of law and Argentina's political institutions. The evidence against her is public, credible and backed up by Argentina's courts. Beyond Argentina, she and her associates have undermined American security interests in the region by placing Argentina's institutions at the service of Iran's global terrorism campaign," Cruz said.

As expected, the corrupt vice president did not remain silent and decided to respond to the U.S. senator's accusations. "Just like I said: Banned!," expressed Cristina Kirchner, insisting on the false idea that courts do not allow her to run for elections because they have issued a six-year prison sentence against her for corruption, a case proven to exhaustion. What is certain is that she is not banned and can run in elections. However, in the event that at some point she is forbidden from running for office, what would happen if she herself exclaimed loudly, after the judge had issued the ruling, that she had not planned to run for any office? Was it a lie? What a surprise!

Not content with expressing the lie of banning her running for office, which is extremely easy to expose, Cristina Kirchner expressed a rather strange conspiracy theory: "As if all this were not enough, five days before they tried to assassinate me, Senator Ted Cruz had asked for sanctions against me (...) As you can see, everything fits together". Yes, she said the senator sent hitmen to assassinate her. You are reading well, dear reader. As always, in banana republics ruled by authoritarian, populist, corrupt and impoverishing leaders, the 'Yankee Empire' is to blame.

Once again, the vice-president makes a political defense against all the accusations against her. This is, of course, because she lacks solid arguments to prove her innocence.

Cristina Kirchner stole a very hefty amount through a crude corruption scheme that worked as follows: the Kirchner family helped turn a bank employee, Lázaro Báez, into a businessman, to whom they gave a large part of the public works projects with overpriced budgets, and many of the work projects were never finished. The surplus money was returned to the Kirchner family through rentals of their hotels and mysterious purchases of their properties. All, of course, with the help of some officials. This is just one of the cases.

However, Cristina Kirchner has not only turned Argentina into a corrupt regime replete with misery, but also allied with the ayatollahs' regime in Iran, responsible for the 1994 bombing of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina -a Jewish community center located in Buenos Aires-, which killed 85 innocent people.

In 2013, then President Cristina Kirchner signed a friends' pact with Iran, called the 'Argentina-Iran Memorandum of Understanding' with the aim, she said, of making progress in the case. However, the agreement was mainly that the defendants could be interrogated in Tehran by the Argentinean judge and prosecutor, however the latter did not have jurisdiction to sentence. In other words, the idea was to carry out a performance trial in Iran and for the Iranians to decide, at the end of the day, that all the suspects were actually wonderful people, incapable of killing a fly, and were being unjustly persecuted. The memorandum never went into effect, as the Argentine Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber definitively ruled the memorandum unconstitutional a few days after Mauricio Macri' s inauguration as president.

Prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was in charge of the investigation of the bombing, denounced, in a show of enormous bravery, Cristina Kirchner and the entire mafia she led (and leads) for cover-up. This complaint led to Nisman being found dead in his apartment in January 2015. This assassination, as well as the 1992 Israeli embassy bombings in Buenos Aires and the AMIA bombing two years later, have gone unpunished.

Ted Cruz is right and the bill introduced is sound. Although there are elections this year and it is unlikely that Kirchnerism will win, a thorough investigation of Mrs. Kirchner and some of the members of her criminal gang is necessary to detoxify the country and remove the danger of having another friend of the ayatollahs' regime in the region.
