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The end of the media that exposed corruption in DC: Project Veritas closes permanently

A former employee of the organization reported that all investigations have stopped as of today.

Hannah Giles


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Bobby Harr, a journalist who worked for Project Veritas, reported on Wednesday through his social media that the news agency will no longer continue operating.

“Breaking: Project Veritas suspends all operations effective immediately (…) All investigations halted as of today,” the investigative reporter published.

Harr also claimed that the organization laid off most of its employees citing financial problems.

“CEO Hannah Giles and Jen Kiyak of Human Resources cite financial ruin as reason for additional layoffs on 9/20/23 leaving merely a handful of employees left,” the former Project Veritas worker said.

The media outlet had already gotten rid of most of its staff. In fact, in August it was reported that only 18 people remained. Later, Hannah Giles herself acknowledged that the organization was bankrupt, but assured that she would find a way to move forward.

“I’ve got to get back into the bank accounts (...) But, like, we’re bankrupt,” Giles said earlier this month, adding that some lawyers were even “threatening” to force them to declare bankruptcy.

The expulsion of the founder of the project

James O'Keefe, who launched Project Veritas in 2010, was ousted from the media outlet by the board of directors and some employees believe it was his departure and the arrival of Giles that led the project to ruin.

Giles “lacked leadership skills,” a former Project Veritas employee told Mediaite. "Her actual journalism experience is murky," they added.

Another source inside the project told the Post Millennial that since James left “donations have dried up ” and that Giles promised to bring in donors who never came.

“The board was desperate to bring Hannah on board because they thought it would be cute but the problem is she's a charlatan and a fraud. Everything she's ever done has been a failure and she lied to everyone claiming she had all these donors she could bring in,” said an anonymous source.
