Meta assures that they decreased the visibility of Hunter Biden laptop's story
The president of Global Affairs revealed in an interview with 'Fox News' that they reduced the "prominence of the story" for a week.

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Meta's Global Affairs Chairman Nick Clegg recently claimed that the platform limited the visibility on Hunter Biden's laptop story. It all started around minute 3:05 during an interview broadcast on Fox News Channel's Special Report program.
At that point, the host, Bret Baier decided to ask the following question to his guest, "As far as stories, the Hunter Biden laptop story, the story of the COVID origins, did Facebook manipulate those or censor those as they were coming out?"
The role of fact checkers
Clegg said the social network decided, in the case of President Joe Biden's son, to reduce the prominence of the story for seven days. What was the objective? To allow time for their fact-checkers to "look at the story if they wanted to." However, the head of Meta's Global Affairs said, "they didn’t":
In other words, Nick Clegg believes that the fact checkers did not do their job in time, although they could have. However, it does not say whether the company itself encouraged that entire network of verifiers to get the job done quickly.
Zuckerberg said he censored the story out of pressure from the FBI
However, the statements made by Meta's Head of Global Affairs differ slightly from those made by the company's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, during a interview with Joe Rogan in which he claimed that the FBI forced him to censor everything related to Hunter Biden's computer:
The interview continued with Zuckerberg asserting that the matter "sucks," as "no one was able to say that (the information on the matter) was false."
Silence on the vaccine
However, Clegg maintained a steely silence on the other compromising issue Baier asked him about, vaccines. In fact, Clegg only mentioned Hunter Biden's laptop story.
Perhaps this was because Facebook recently admitted to censoring "true" data about the coronavirus vaccine. A member of the social network assured via email, that the company had deleted information about it: