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The bad economic situation is hurting Joe Biden

The president's approval rating is at 39%, close to historic low (36%) and to that of Donald Trump.

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, camina cabizbajo por los jardines de la Casa Blanca. Imagen de archivo.

(Cordon Press)

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The perception of Joe Biden's work as president is only going down. According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, the president's job approval ratings fell to 39%, placing him only three points above his worst record (36%) dating back to mid-2022. Compared to the previous survey conducted in March, it is down from 42%.

The president's term in office has been characterized, so far, by mismanagement in different areas such as immigration, crime and foreign policy. Biden has also received criticism for the way his administration has handled the economy, which has been one of their greatest challenges.

One in five respondents said that the economic situation is the biggest problem in the United States right now, with most Americans alarmed that they have less money to live on than 12 months ago. On the other hand, one out of ten respondents said that crime or environmental issues should be the first issue to be resolved.

The poll, conducted April 14-16, comes at a time when Joe Biden is considering running for re-election. It also shows that Americans' positive perception of the president is at similar levels to Donald Trump, who hit a low in December 2017 with a 33% approval rating.
