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Trump and McConnell will meet face to face again after almost five years of tension

The presidential candidate and the senator have not spoken since the end of 2020, when they broke off precisely due to the results of the presidential elections.

Trump McConnell

Cordon Press

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Donald Trump will once again meet face-to-face with Mitch McConnell. Although they both worked together during the Trump administration, they cut off contact after the 2020 presidential election and since then things have only gotten worse. However, with the tycoon as the presumptive Republican nominee, they will meet again in Congress.

Trump will arrive on Capitol Hill on Thursday morning to meet privately with Republican leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Amid initial doubts, McConnell himself confirmed his attendance to journalists. " I will be at the meeting tomorrow ," he affirmed.

The current leader of the Republican majority in the Senate recalled that despite everything he said in 2021 he would support the eventual Republican nominee of 2024. "I said three years ago, right after the Capitol was attacked, I would support our nominee regardless of who it was, including him. I've said earlier this year, I support him. He's earned the nomination by the voters all across the country," he added.

Indeed, he made his endorsement official at the beginning of the year. "It is abundantly clear that former President Trump has earned the necessary support of Republican voters to be our nominee for President of the United States. It should come as no surprise that as the nominee, he will have my support," McConnell said despite the former president continuing to attack him at his political events.

The turbulent relationship between Trump and McConnell

During the 2016 elections, and despite initial skepticism, McConnell supported Trump's candidacy and they worked together during the four years of his presidential term. Although the Kentucky senator could not deliver the "repeal and replacement" of "Obamacare" he did manage to approve three judges for the Supreme Court and see the passing of the 2017 tax cut, among other legislation.

Things began to break down after the 2020 presidential election when the senator recognized Joe Biden as the winner days after the election. However, the relationship disintegrated after January 6, 2021, when he said the attack on Congress was "provoked" by Trump.

Since then, the former president has criticized both McConnell and his wife, Eline Chao, who was part of the tycoon's cabinet, at every opportunity.
