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Poll: Hispanic voters trust Trump more with handling immigration than Biden

Democrats no longer have an advantage among Latinos when it comes to who should handle the immigration situation.

Imagen genérica sobre las elecciones en Estados Unidos.


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According to a survey conducted by Equis in seven purple states key to achieving the presidency, Democrats no longer have the advantage among Hispanic voters when it comes to who should handle immigration.

In the survey, 41% of Hispanic voters trust Trump more to handle immigration, while 38% said they trust Biden more. Among "non-Hispanic" respondents, 34% said they trust Democrats more, and 49% said they chose Republicans.

1,592 registered Latino voters and 1,575 registered non-Latino voters participated in the survey. The survey was conducted in the key states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Among Latinos, this poll also found that 72% of voters are very or somewhat concerned about President Joe Biden's broken promises on immigration, and 65% are concerned that he has failed to provide a path to citizenship for immigrants. Regarding concerns about Trump's actions and the Republicans, 64% of Hispanic respondents said they are worried that he will take extreme measures regarding immigration.

Another key fact that this survey shows, and that seems to be the cause of the latest measure announced by President Biden regarding immigration, is that when Hispanics who are not currently voting for Biden were asked what measure could make them change their opinion, 72% said spousal parole could make them change their vote. Just this week, the president granted new protections and a path to citizenship to people married to American citizens.

On the other hand, a CBS/YouGov poll conducted earlier this month found that 53% of Hispanic adults approve of a program to deport undocumented immigrants. While 47% of Latinos said they opposed a mass deportation measure.

About 36.2 million Latinos can vote in the November elections. In a race for the presidency that looks increasingly tight, the Hispanic vote is essential, especially in the purple states that will be the ones that tip the balance.
