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Kim Jong Un reportedly executed dozens of officials following the deaths of thousands of people in the floods

South Korean media reported this information. The regime accused them of dereliction of duty and corruption.

North Korea's supreme leader, Kim Jong Un.Cordon Press.

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The supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, reportedly ordered the execution of some 30 officials after blaming them for the deaths of thousands of people in the floods that hit the country this summer.

According to reported by the New York Post based on reports published by South Korean media, the regime accused them of dereliction of duty and corruption, for which they were punished with the death penalty.

Although it is not officially known if the accused -who were not identified either- have already been executed, it is known that Kim Jong Un ordered them to be "strictly" punished.

This summer, floods in several parts of North Korea, particularly in Changang province, left around 4,000 people dead. In addition, more than 15,000 people had to be evacuated and moved to safety.
