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Chile: A congressman asked to modify the fishing law to respect the "physical and mental state" of "sentient and conscious" aquatic animals

Jorge Brito, deputy of Gabriel Boric‘s current leftist government, defined that a "sentient being" is an "aquatic animal capable of having experiences and reacting to external stimuli in a conscious way, considering for this fact subject of moral consideration and respect.”

Peces en el marPexels / Francesco Ungaro 


In Chile, a congressman named Jorge Brito, from Gabriel Boric‘s current leftist government, proposed modifying the fishing law to "propose a modification in the fishing law to "respect the physical and mental state" of aquatic animals (fish, mollusks or crustaceans) by conceiving them as "sentient and conscious.”

Although the modification of the law was rejected, the political debate has sparked controversy among Chilean legislators, highlighting a tendency of left-wing groups to push for animal rights regulations.

Fish are sentient beings

Specifically, Congressman Brito defined a "sentient being" as an "aquatic animal capable of having experiences and reacting to external stimuli in a conscious manner, considering for this fact subject of consideration moral and respect."

Likewise, the congressman stated that in industrial fishing "the physical and mental state of the animal must be respected, so it will be strictly forbidden to generate stress and unnecessary pain, treat them cruelly or prolong their agony.” 

In addition to Brito's statements, activist Ignacia Uribe testified at the Fisheries Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and said: 

"Each one of these fish is an individual with its personality, thoughts, interests and memory, there are shy and daring fish, they have learned to play soccer, to do tricks and use tools."

Criticism from the opposition

The opposition deputy Sergio Bobadilla was against the proposal and declared, "The fishing workers reject the new fishing law of the government because if it is approved, as it is, it would leave more than 16,000 people without work. This is the fishing mamarracho with which this government is trying to re-found the sector. But, super concerned about the sentient fish, that they do not suffer physical harm or be exposed to psychological trauma.”

Another opposition deputy, Miguel Ángel Calisto, pointed out that it is "a lack of respect for the legislative debate to present an indication that fish are sentient, when we are regulating one of the main economic activities of the country. It is ridiculing the discussion.”
