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Socialist presidents are the worst-rated in Latin America

Dina Boluarte from Peru, Gustavo Petro from Colombia and Nicolás Maduro from Venezuela have the lowest scores in a survey by public consulting firm CB.

Presidentes de Colombia, Perú y Venezuela

(Wikimedia Commons)

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Socialist presidents are the worst-rated in Latin America this month. This was demonstrated by a study conducted by the public consulting firm CB, which revealed that leaders from the right or center have a better rating among voters in their countries.

The study revealed that May's worst-ranked leaders are: Dina Boluarte from Peru with a 24.8% approval rating, Gustavo Petro from Colombia with 38.6% and Nicolás Maduro from Venezuela with 39.5%. Meanwhile, the three best-rated presidents this month are Daniel Noboa from Ecuador with a 58.1% approval rating, Javier Milei from Argentina with 54.8%, and Luis Lacalle Pou from Uruguay with 54.7%.

RANKING CB PRESIDENTES DE ... by Williams Perdomo

In addition, the survey indicated that the leader whose approval rating improved the most compared to April was Javier Milei from Argentina (+2.2%), while Gabriel Boric's (Chile) ratings decreased the most (-4.7%).

Dina Boluarte from Peru (25.3%) and Nicolás Maduro (40.9) from Venezuela are the two leaders with the lowest rankings for the second consecutive month. In April, the third lowest-ranked leader was Luis Arce with 40.5%.

Last month, the leader whose ratings improved the most compared to March was Santiago Peña from Paraguay (+4.4%), while Nicolás Maduro's ratings decreased the most (-5.1%).
