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Leonid Volkov, an ally of Navalny, brutally attacked with tear gas and a hammer in Lithuania

Kira Yarmysh, the spokesperson for the late Russian opposition leader, announced the news on X (Twitter).

Leonid Volkov, exjefe político de Navalny, fue brutalmente atacado con gas lacrimógeno y un martillo en Lituania

Leonid Volkov, prominente activista opositor ruso. (AFP)

Leonid Volkov, political ally of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, suffered a brutal attack with tear gas and a hammer in front of his home in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital.

Kira Yarmysh, the spokesperson for Navalny, announced the news on X (Twitter) shortly after 10 p.m. Lithuanian time.

“Leonid Volkov has just been attacked outside his house. Someone broke a car window and sprayed tear gas in his eyes, after which the attacker started hitting Leonid with a hammer. Leonid is now at home, police and ambulance are on their way to him,” wrote Yarmysh, who also retweeted posts from other accounts that showed images of Volkov's brutal attack and injuries.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis confirmed the attack on X: “News about Leonid’s assault are shocking. Relevant authorities are at work. Perpetrators will have to answer for their crime.”

Volkov, 43, is one of the most important figures in the Russian opposition. In addition to being the former head of Navalny's regional offices and campaigns, he also served as president of the Russian leader's Anti-Corruption Foundation. Navalny died in an inhospitable prison on Feb. 16

Likewise, Volkov had called the upcoming presidential elections in Russia, which will take place from March 15-17, a “circus.”
