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Indi Gregory case: The British baby will be taken off life support this Thursday by order of a court despite an Italian hospital offering to continue treating her

The parents of the 8-month-old girl, who suffers from a terminal illness, continue to beg the Government and Justice of the United Kingdom to allow them to do everything they can to save their daughter's life.

Indi Gregory

En imagen, la pequeña Indi Gregory. (GOFUNDME)

Indi Gregory's life is coming to an end after a High Court ordered this Thursday the definitive withdrawal of care for a little British baby who suffers from an incurable terminal illness.

Despite her parents' efforts, Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth, the Italian Government and the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital in Rome to continue trying to save the life of little Indi, the Queen's Medical Center institution in Nottingham and the British justice determined that Indi must be withdrawn from life support because postponing her life would be subjecting her to unnecessary suffering.

The baby's family, however, opposes the decision and wants to be able to continue Indi's treatments in a titanic effort to save her life.

"For the hospital and the U.K. Courts to simply ignore the offer from the Italian government is disgraceful," said Dean Gregory, Indi's father, as reported by Christian Concern, a Christian advocacy group.

"I appeal to the British government to allow Indi to come to Italy before it is too late. As a father I have never asked or begged for anything in my life, but I am now begging the British government to please help prevent our daughter's life from being taken away."

Baby Indi Gregory, eight months old, suffers from a mitochondrial disease that saps her energy and causes pain. The doctors insist that there is nothing more they can do for her, and the British courts agree that withdrawal of care is the next step and should be done in a hospital or hospice and not in the Gregory family home because the doctors need to have the resources at their disposal to avoid tremendous pain to the baby.

The last few days have been very intense in the case of little Indi Gregory, with the Italian Government and the Prime Minister herself, Giorgia Meloni, announcing unrestricted support for the Gregory family, even granting them Italian nationality to the 8-month-old baby to try to transfer her to Rome to a child health center controlled by the Vatican.

However, the English courts have consistently refused requests to transfer or continue treatment for Indi Gregory, whose life could end as soon as this Thursday around 2:00 p.m. GMT, when life support will be withdrawn from the baby at the hospital.
