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Giorgia Meloni announces that she will do everything possible to defend the life of Indi Gregory, the 8-month-old British baby whose life support could be removed

The girl's parents oppose the removal and the Italian Government has granted nationality to the minor, who suffers from an incurable mitochondrial disease.

Indy Gregory, Giorgia Meloni

En imagen, Indi Gregory. (GOFUNDME)

Indi Gregory, an 8-month-old British baby who is fighting a terrible terminal illness, has the whole world's attention after Nottingham's Queen's Medical Center said that they can no longer care for the minor after providing her with treatment since she was born in February.

According to the health institution, Gregory suffers from an incurable mitochondrial disease, so they intend to remove her life support. Her parents, Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth, oppose the measure and have tried, without success, to convince the judges of the Court of Appeal in London and those of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg (France) to annul the decision to legally limit treatment.

Now, amid a legal fight with the doctors, Indi Gregory and her parents have received tremendous support: that of the Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, and the Italian government. Together, they have granted little Indi Gregory Italian nationality and the possibility of being transferred to Rome to continue her treatment.

"They say there isn't much hope for little Indi, but until the end, I will do what I can to defend her life. And defend her parents' right to do everything possible for her," Meloni wrote on her X account (formerly Twitter) on Monday.

Meloni's announcement comes after Gregory's parents lost an appeal on Saturday to overturn a ruling by Judge Peel, who said in his findings that it would not be in Indi's best interest to travel to Italy's Bambino Gesu Children's Hospital for treatment.

The children's hospital is a Vatican-run facility near St. Peter's.

But the Council of Ministers in Italy is giving the Gregory family one last hope to try to save their baby's life by giving her Italian nationality.

"My heart is filled with joy because the Italians have given Claire and me hope and faith in humanity. The Italians have shown us love and support, and I wish the British authorities would do the same," said Dean Gregory. "I am very proud to say that Indi has Italian citizenship and I thank the Italian government and the Italian people from the bottom of my heart."

Now, Indi Gregory's parents must go to the Italian consulate in Great Britain to ask that the baby be transferred to Italy. However, an Italian government source said the UK was under no obligation to agree to the transfer.

The next few hours will be decisive in knowing whether baby Indi Gregory will be taken to Italy or have her life support disconnected in her country of origin.
