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Hamas: The faces of evil

Ismail Haniyeh, Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Deif are the main leaders behind the terrorist group. The Israeli authorities have called them out for their lavish lifestyle of evil.

Los cabecillas de Hamás | Wikimedia

Los cabecillas de Hamás | Wikimedia

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Israel is facing one of the worst terrorist attacks in its history. The Hamas terrorist group has killed more than 1,300 Israelis and is holding at least 199 people hostage, according to authorities. This is a war that was planned and provoked by the leaders of the violent Palestinian group. Therefore, people are wondering who is behind the terrorist organization.

Its main leader is Ismail Haniyeh, who lives a luxurious and protected life far from the reality experienced by the millions of citizens who are victims of his actions. Recently, a video went viral showing his lavish office, which local media claim is located in Doha, the capital of Qatar. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) explained that Haniyeh's fortune is valued at at least $4 billion. The IDF also published an interview Haniyeh gave to The Times in which he claimed that "we are always ready for war."

"His income is as opaque as his group's funding"

Reports say that Haniyeh has paid millions of dollars for beach properties, apartments and villas. However, The Times explained that "his income is as opaque as his group’s funding. He is alleged to have embezzled charitable funds and levied taxes on tunnel use for passage in and out of Gaza. He even has businesses operating outside Gaza, including one in the United Arab Emirates."

Haniyeh is currently the head of Hamas's political bureau and the prime minister of the 10th Palestinian government. Between 2006 and 2007, he served as prime minister of the Palestinian National Authority. The Times indicated that, according to polls, he is the favorite to replace the president of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas with whom he has had a dispute for power since 2017.

"I asked him how he justified training the hundreds of children in Hamas military summer camps every year, where young boys are taught everything from firing weapons to urban warfare. He smiled and told me the guns were 'toys', 'wooden guns' and the camps were nothing more than 'games,'" explained journalist Melanie Swan, who interviewed him for The Times.

Haniyeh is not the only one who benefits from terrorist money. All the leaders live luxuriously off of dirty money. According to Forbes magazine, Hamas is ranked third among the richest terrorist movements. The magazine explained that the terrorist group earns up to $1 billion per year.

"The organization supports its income through donations from Arab countries and Islamic organizations," Forbes said.

After releasing Haniyeh's story, Israeli authorities published how Hamas' three top leaders work. The second leader that stands out is Yahya Sinwar. The IDF explained that Sinwar is a declared enemy of the State of Israel and warned that "it is a threat to the entire world." He is considered the second most powerful person in Hamas.

"We will tear down the border and tear their hearts from their bodies," Sinwar is quoted as saying in the translation of a video released by the IDF that includes statements in which he insistently calls for attacking the citizens of Israel.

Sinwar is the highest-ranking Hamas official in Gaza. According to Israeli authorities, he is suspected of being responsible for the torture carried out on other members of the criminal organization. He is also known as The Butcher of Khan Yunis. "Sinwar became a prominent leader in prison. He became known for abusing and using harsh violence and cruel torture methods against those who opposed him and those suspected of aiding Israel," the IDF said.

This Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces published the profile of the third person who is key in the Hamas organization. That would be Mohammed Deif, who is also accused of organizing the October 7 attacks. "The mastermind behind the October 7 massacre With the blood of thousands on his hands, his name will live in infamy," the IDF explained.

The IDF describes his work as the military wing of Hamas. "He has orchestrated countless attacks over the past decades. From suicide bombings to the devastating murder of more than 1,300 Israeli civilians this month," the Israel Defense Forces explained.

He is also known as the fighter with nine lives for his ability to survive not only prison but also assassination attempts. Likewise, he is accused of designing the tunnels that have allowed Hamas fighters to enter Israel from Gaza. He is one of the most wanted people in Israel.

"He has played an active role in promoting terror and targeting civilians for over 30 years, after initially joining the organization in 1987," the IDF explained.

Finally, in their fight against terrorism, Israeli authorities reported that they killed Ali Qadi, who led the October 7 massacre of civilians in Israel and Commander of Hamas' Nukhba Jabalya Assault Company. The IDF stated that "all Hamas terrorists will have the same fate."

"Hamas' Nukhba forces led the brutal massacre of Israeli civilians in communities surrounding the Gaza Strip on October 7. Additionally, in 2005, Qadi was detained following the kidnapping and murder of Israeli civilians and was released as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange," indicated the Israeli Defense Forces.
