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Javier Milei's advice to Donald Trump: "Do not give in to the socialists"

Host Tucker Carlson asked the Argentine politician to send a message to the former president of the United States.

Javier Milei (i), Donald Trump (d). / Wikimedia Commons; Gage Skidmore

Javier Milei (i), Donald Trump (d). / Wikimedia Commons; Gage Skidmore

Tucker Carlson, one of the most important hosts in the United States; and Javier Milei, the South American political phenomenon of the moment; had an opportunity to talk in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. They touched on various topics: the state of the economy in Argentina, the consequences of socialism, Pope Francis, what represents progressivism globally and former President Donald Trump.

During the conversation, which lasted about 32 minutes, Carlson told the libertarian outsider, the favorite to win the elections in Argentina's presidential elections next month, that the United States is experiencing its own "socialist" process in much the same way as Argentina: with a large increase in debt, a large fiscal deficit resulting from huge public spending, and rampant inflation.

Therefore, the host asked the leader of the political party La Libertad Avanza to give advice to the American people and former President Trump in particular.

After explaining the severe economic consequences left by socialism in Argentina, Milei told Americans "never to embrace the ideas of socialism, never to be seduced by the siren song of social justice, and not to be caught up in that nefarious phrase that says 'Where a need is born, a right is born.'"

To Trump, in the same vein, he also sent a piece of clear advice: "Do not give in to the socialists."

"Let him continue his struggle against socialism because he is one of the few who fully understood that the fight is against socialism, that the fight is against the statists and that he understood perfectly that the generation of wealth comes from the private sector," Milei responded to Carlson's request.

"That is, the state does not create wealth, the state destroys it. The state cannot give anything because it produces nothing. And when it wants to do it, it also does it wrong. So, it seems to me that, from my small place, the only thing I could tell you is to double up efforts in the same direction to defend the ideas of freedom and not to give a single truce to the socialists."
