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Pakistan: train accident leaves at least 30 dead and nearly 100 injured

Ten cars of the Hazara Express derailed near the southern city of Nawabshah in the vicinity of Sarhari railway station.

Accidente ferroviario en Pakistán que acabó el domingo 6 de agosto con al menos 30 heridos y casi 100 muertos.

(Cordon Press)

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A train accident in Pakistan has left at least 30 people dead and nearly 100 injured on Sunday when ten cars of the Hazara Express derailed in a town in the south of the country. Specifically, the train overturned near the town of Nawabshah, in the vicinity of the Sarhari train station, rescue work is still continuing in the vicinity of the place where the vehicle derailed. Police officer Ashraf Zardari, who was at the scene, told EFE:

More bodies have been pulled out, bringing the death toll to 30 and 90 injured so far. The rescue operation is still underway and a carriage is being cut to remove possible injured. There may be more injured or deceased inside, but we are not sure.

Images of Pakistan accident flood social networks

At the time of the accident, senior railway official Mahmoodur Rehmna Lako told AP, the train was heading from Karachi to Rawalpindi. After the vehicle derailed, local television stations were filled with images showing rescue teams pulling women, children and elderly passengers from the overturned carriages.

In the snapshots that flooded the social networks, it can also be seen how the wounded lay on the ground asking for help while some locals approached them handing out water and food to those in need:

Pakistan's Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif expressed his condolences. He did so, reports NBC, during a political meeting in Punjab. There he took the opportunity to send his condolences to the families of those who had lost someone during the derailment, as well as to wish a speedy recovery to all those citizens who had been injured during the train accident: "We all pray, may Allah grant a place in heaven to those who passed away and I wish quick recovery for the injured."
