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Nicolás Petro, son of Colombian President Gustavo Petro, arrested

His father wishes him "luck and strength" and hopes that these events will forge his character and make him "reflect on his own mistakes."

Nicolás Petro.

(Captura de Pantalla / Youtube )

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Nicolas Petro, son of Colombian President Gustavo Petro, was arrested Saturday along with his wife, according to Colombian prosecutors. The son of the leftist president, and also a member of his political party in a regional government, faces charges of money laundering and embezzlement.

According to the statement issued by the Colombian Prosecutor's Office, both individuals will be brought before a judge. The Prosecutor's Office assures that it will request that both detainees be held in jail.

Suspicions of financial crimes had been hanging over the president's son for months. In March, the Colombian magazine Semana published incriminating statements by Nicolás Petro's ex-wife, Day Vásquez. She assured the outlet that her ex-husband was a member of a corruption scheme involving several major drug traffickers. Shortly after this news, the Colombian Attorney General's Office assured that it was investigating Nicolás Petro.

According to the accusations that surfaced at the time, Petro received more than 1 billion Colombian pesos ($253,800) from criminals. This money was allegedly poured into the campaign funds of his father, Gustavo Petro. The press also focused on Nicolás Petro's lifestyle and wealth, which they described as incompatible with his income as a politician in a regional parliament.

Gustavo Petro wishes "luck" to his son

President Gustavo Petro decided to distance himself from his son, whom in an interview he said he could not take care of properly. Upon the announcement of his son's arrest, Petro wished him "luck and strength." The president said he was hurt by the news, but as president he promised all guarantees to the Prosecutor's Office.
