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Guatemala: Fuego volcano erupts

Local institutions reported that the volcanic activity is generating gas and ash plumes of between 2.7 to 3 miles above sea level.

Volcán de Fuego en Guatemala.

(Wikimedia Commons)

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The National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumeh) of Guatemala reported that the Fuego volcano erupted, affecting several neighboring communities with its ashes.

The institute and the National Coordination System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) explained that about 5 to 11 explosions per hour have been registered, all of them between weak and moderate. However, volcanic activity is generating gas and ash plumes between 2.7 to 3 miles above sea level that are moving westward at distances of 9.3 to 18.6 miles which is affecting areas of Panimaché, Santa Sofía, Morelia, Sangre de Cristo, El Porvenir, Yucales and Yepocapa.

The explosions also produce weak avalanches that shake the roofs of houses near the volcano. "In the afternoon and evening, the rains may cause the descent of lahars [landslides] in the different ravines of the volcano, mainly in the Ceniza ravine," Insivumeh warned.

Santiaguito volcano

In the early morning hours, weak explosions were also observed from the Santiaguito volcano, causing gas and ash plumes to reach 1.8 miles above sea level.

Authorities monitor volcanic activity

CONRED explained that volcanic activity is being constantly monitored so that in case of any change, the necessary safety measures can be activated, and alerts can be issued in case of emergency.

"CONRED invites the population to inform themselves daily of volcanic activity in the country through the reports that are released through the social networks of CONRED and INSIVUMEH, in addition to being attentive to the descent of lahars [landslides] due to possible rains that could be registered in the afternoon and evening hours," they said.
